Travelling is one of the most important and enriching moments of our entire lives . Reasons being that it increases our knowledge , opens our minds and soul to new things , extends new moral values ; and we can easily find many destinations in the world that would fulfill our dreams. However , if what you are seeking for is a unique and unforgettable experience that will give you the opportunity to learn about another culture through historical sites , arts and events such as cultural events , and archaeological findings , a place to visit is Jamaica . Amid many places in the world where you can relive the past , Jamaica is certainly the most lucrative and charming place to be.
This little island is located in the northwestern Caribbean sea , about 145 kilometres (90 miles) south of Cuba and also 191 kilometres ( 119 miles) west of the island of Hispaniola , where Haiti and Dominican republic are located . Therefore you must fly or sail there . Its short distance from the United States makes it a short distance from here and that is great for fliers . It is approximately a four- hour flight . Jamaica is only about seventeen degrees above the equator so it is very warm all year round . ( Grab your tanning oil and sunglasses!). Everybody sees the commercials for the white sanded beaches and the clear blue sea but Jamaica’s landscape is mountainous except for those several areas of lowlands that we normally see on TV . Speaking of mountains , the Blue Mountains are the longest mountain range in Jamaica. They include the island's highest point, Blue Mountain Peak, at 2256 m. So , when leaving for Jamaica , you had better think of bringing your favorite hiking boots .
Being in a foreign land for the first time ever can be a bit frustrating . There are a lot of things you probably don't know and it tends to sicken oneself especially when you don't have the slightest bit of information on anything . However , I am here to change that . In Jamaica , there are varieties of food such as the mango , Breadfruit, served roasted, fried or boiled, Cabal , cassava, banana and plantain . Jamaica is not only blessed with great plenty of natural wonders , but its people and their culture are probably its greatest treasures and that is what draws the people to the island .
In a nutshell , it can be seen that Jamaica is the perfect destination for all travelers as it is full of entertainment and lots of exciting views , and the food is miraculous . Now it's time for you to experience the beautiful mountains and the ancient arts of Jamaica . So pick up any of your gadgets and book your tickets before it's too late .
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