Blog post #5 Reading "El Caribe Gris"

Christopher Columbus 

          After reading "El Caribe Gris" , i found out that every paragraph has its own story and it was really hard to pinpoint the main idea but nevertheless i found my way around it . At first glance, i thought it was pretty lengthy and probably boring but after thorough reading , i discovered that Christopher Columbus first voyage is a good example of globalization of the Caribbeans or Latin America , but i believe that it was necessary in order to set globalization for the future of the Caribbeans , a type of indirect globalization if you will . The reason i believe this is because Columbus didn't affect these lands much when he first passed through them but instead he was a passive traveler that just observed the peoples of the islands and put them on the map ( in this case , his journal ) .  I had few problems finding this out but i think that was like the main point of the "El Caribe Gris" 


1. Stuart A. Kallen. A Journey with Christopher Columbus. Lerner Publications ™, 2017. EBSCOhost,,shib&db=nlebk&AN=1561041&site=eds-live&scope=site.


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